网络融资炒股 题源报刊单词rely
2025-02-05rely [rɪˈlaɪ] v. 依赖网络融资炒股,依靠(on);信赖,信任(on) 例句 Publishers have long considered Facebook a kind of frenemy—increasingly relying on the social network to spread their stories but often wary of depending too much on one medium to reach an audience. 【201
2023股票配资 题源报刊单词 remove
2025-02-05remove [rɪˈmuːv] v. 移动,搬走;清除,除去;解除(职务),开除;摘掉,脱掉;废除,取消 例句 Some firms are taking a hard line against people copying their products. One option is to send intellectual-property“takedown” notices requiring people to remove their digital models from the
抚州股票配资 题源报刊单词spoil
2025-02-05spoil [spɔɪl] ① v. 毁掉,破坏(某事物的美或趣味等);宠坏,溺爱;犒赏;(使)(食物)变坏 ② n. 战利品;成功附带的好处 例句 Thailand’s Maya Bay, location for the filmThe Beach , was shut to tourists who came in such large numbers that they spoiled the place they were meant to enjoy.【2018-8《卫报》】 电影
炒股融资平台 题源报刊单词sensation
2025-02-05sensation [senˈseɪʃ(ə)n] n.(感官的)感觉,触觉,感受;轰动,引起轰动的人(或事) 例句 It was a commercial sensation, one that stood out from most comic books because of its tremendous sense of pathos.【2018-11《大西洋月刊》】 它在商业上引起了轰动,因为其弥漫着极其感伤的特质,从大多数 漫画书中脱颖而出。 派生 sensational[senˈs
炒股融资方式 题源报刊单词 represent
2025-02-05represent [ˌreprɪˈzent] v. 代表(某人);代表(国家或地区)参赛;(符号等)代表,表示;象征,体现;相当于,意味着;(尤指不真实地)描述,描写 例句 According to a report from the Pew Research Center, 14.6 million Americans were self-employed in 2014, representing about 10% of the national workforce.【2017-1《时
青岛期货配资 题源报刊单词trick
2025-02-05trick [trɪk] ① n. 诡计,花招青岛期货配资,骗局,把戏;诀窍,技巧 ② v. 欺骗,哄骗,诱骗 例句 To f ind out, Lebreton and his colleagues enrolled 104 people in a series of visual tests using Gabor patches—black-and-white images that play tricks onthe brain and are often used in experi
股票配资炒股平台 题源报刊单词shoot
2025-02-05shoot [ʃuːt] ① v. 枪杀,射击,打猎;(使朝某方向)飞快地移动;射门,投篮;拍摄 ② n. 嫩芽,幼苗;(照片或影片的)拍摄;打猎,狩猎区 例句 While some planning is a good idea when it comes to vacation pictures, don’t script all of your images—shooting anything that appeals to you while you’re exploring, whe
股票杠杆率 题源报刊单词
2025-01-30autonomous [ɔːˈtɒnəməs] adj.(地方或机构)自治的;有自主能力的股票杠杆率 例句 BlackBerry is entering a highly competitive f ield, with some of the world’s biggest tech companies investing in autonomous-vehicle research. 【2017-12《华尔街日报》】 一些世界科技巨头公司都投入了自动驾驶汽车的研发,黑莓公司也正在迈进这一竞
券商配资平台 题源报刊单词impair
2025-01-30impair [ɪmˈpeə(r)] v. 削弱,损害,损伤 例句 They may spend hours lying awake in bed worrying about being unable to sleep, and the anxiety itself impairs their ability to sleep. 【2017-1《纽约 时报》】 他们可能清醒着躺在床上数小时券商配资平台,担心自己睡不着,而这种焦虑本身损害了他们的睡眠能力。 发布于:山东省
怎么配资炒股 题源报刊单词accurate
2025-01-30accurate [ˈækjʊrət] adj. 精确的,准确的;确切的 例句 But the complexity of the ecosystem and lack of historical precedent means it is difficult to make accurate predictions about future changes, he adds.【2016-9《新科学家》】 他补充道,生态系统的复杂性以及历史先例的缺乏意味着(人们)很难对未来的变化做出准确预测。